Friday, September 18, 2015

Green Light on 20

We all know what happened when I sleep deprived myself when doing
Chapters 18 & 19 back-to-back and started on the redux for 19.
Those three days I probably only had no more than seven hours of sleep total.

Right now I'm working on scripting the first four pages (18%) before heading to bed.
I'm sure the community can agree that I should get a full night's rest.
My goal is to have all of Chapter 20 fully scripted and translated before the end of the day Sunday and have it in Sands' hands to review the translation.

During that time I'll clean up and blank out the JPN text and get it ready for population.
That part is, of course, only after getting word back from Sands
and we are satisfied with the translation.

It looks like there's twice as much more dialogue than Chapters 18 & 19 combined
so this will keep us all busy.

Looks like I'll need to pop-in good old Spice and Wolf in ENG to play in the background as I work.

I'd say this: It looks like Haruka probably took off her shirt in her sleep because
it's right there at the foot of the sofa.

(Please note that this is NOT from any raws but from what was already circulating around the net.  This was only intended as a preview on what to look forward to guys!  You like the fonts?  Please don't inquire about my sources guys.)

Although I originally intended to just scripting tonight,
I starting translating anything that seemed easy enough.

Now, this is tentative so don't treat it as it's set in stone.

So far I've scripted and fully translated the first nine pages.
That puts the translation at being 41% done so far.

Time to get to bed; it's 1:50 AM for me.
(I wonder if I'll beat the Korean and Thai teams?  Like this is a competition.)

Next update is when I'm done with the script and it's in Sands' hands.

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