***07/29/2016 UPDATE***
As I mentioned in the thread, I did go over what Sands reviewed and I set him
some feedback and added his fixes to the translation rough draft.
It's still only half way done but pretty much all of the wordy pages are done with.
As far as the raws go, my idea of taking pics with my camera was not working out.
Basically sections of the pages go out of focus and the lighting is not consistent.
This is due to how the staple spine curves the pages when it's opened.
I don't have a scanner or access to one here in Japan so I will use Cino's scans
but I will adjust them to make them look as good as I can.
Anyways, Konomi's omake came out as you guys know:
Though it is brutal, I made the best I can taking pics of the pages
with my camera and ironing them out in PS.
Here's the DIRECT LINK to it (raw).
Enjoy guys.
***07/15/2016 UPDATE FROM JAPAN***
The translation rough draft is COMPLETE.
I've sent it over to Sands for review.
***07/14/2016 UPDATE FROM JAPAN***
Hello gents.
Many apologies for not getting this out quick. I'd like to see this out ASAP myself.
Been busy and roaming around without my laptop (let alone no WIFI) for most of the time.
I was also under the weather but I feel much better now.
Sands did message me about the update and right now I will finish the rest of the chapter and
e-mail it to him to go over before I hit the Yokohama hay (it's around 9:45pm).
So far Japan has been positive experience and the locals haven't been
too afraid of me when I approach them with questions about getting around.
I've yet to get on the wrong bus, train, or have a bad meal.
As for the September issue of Namaiki!, I WILL pick it up as soon as it's available in Akihabara and
I'll upload pics of the 10 page omake Konomi is doing.
The next issue has a street date of 07/26/2016 (Tuesday) listed.
Hey guys!
After a long plane ride, me and K-Slice landed safe and sound at Haneda Airport
late Monday night around 10pm (Tokyo Time).
Today I went to Akihabara and it was pretty amazing to see it a live in person.
After a lot of digging around I finally find the August issue of Namaiki.
A lot of these places forbid taking pictures inside of the shop and of the merchandise;
especially for adult themed sections. There's signs everywhere about it.
Even on the maids handing flyers outside but that's an entirely different beast.
So I was careful to not get caught because I didn't to hurt the image of foreigners in Japan.
Here it is in my hands.
I'll take pics of the chapter later.
I still haven't finished up on the translation rough draft.
Me and K-Slice are on vacation so this unfortunately will have to be on the back burner.
I will work on it late at night when I have nothing to do.
I'll try very hard to get this to Sands because I'll be in Kyoto Saturday and Sunday getting cultured.
Here are are two more pics I quickly took if you're interested:
Those curious about my haul, here's what I got:
When I saw this package I just had to have it. It's "Otaku" Manjuu.
I actually asked the clerk in Japanese if it was okay to take photos inside; it helped.
The back.
I wanted this but refrained from getting it.
A h-manga I really enjoyed.
Hinata kinda had a dumb fear of her darker sexuality but I can see past it.
Didn't know what this was from (or if it was an original).
It was a rabbit themed tea cup I had to have. Price was under 500 yen.
The back.
I like to collect actual useful memorabilia like anime themed towels, cups, and plates.
The back.
I don't drink... at all but I love Maison Ikkoku so I picked this up for under 700 yen.
Came with it's own little sake cup.
No idea what this was but I like attaching straps like this to my flash drives that have the loop for it.
Didn't mean to spend on all this but I'm going to punish myself with eating Onigiri for the next few days to offset the cost.
I'm seeing how far I can stretch my yen here and the legends of Japanese convenience stores are true.
They have very cheap meals that are very good and filling.
What I had the first night:
The ramen I had today in Akihabara owned.
Bonus, my waifu.
***07/02/2016 UPDATE***
I didn't get to fully transcribe it last night (I fell into the trap of translating as I go).
So far the translation rough draft is 55% done (first 12 pages are fully translated).
For pages 13 to 22 I'll just transcribe so I can work on it later.
It's a challenging chapter for me to do but it's coming along guys so please hang tight.
Hello gents!
So the last chapter is out on e-hentai thanks to Cino.
Thanks for sharing Cino, it's greatly appreciated!
I was hoping this'll get posted before I fly out.
I wanted to see with my own eyes how this ended before some untimely event ended me.
(A little morbid, I know.)
I have tons of loose ends to tie up before I fly out this Sunday.
I'll try to at least transcribe the whole chapter tonight and by noontime Saturday I'll start translating this.
Maybe start the translation tonight if I have time.
There's a bit of dialogue in this chapter and I'll need to have my dictionaries and resources with me
to get the translation rough draft done.
I could maybe work on this on my way to the airport and during my 14hrs +/- flight.
I'll have to print out the transcript or something.
Anyways, it's been a fun ride regardless how this ended.
I've never seen a h-manga make so many people rage or actually take part in deep discussions about:
the characters, analysis were the relationship went wrong, and the plot (or lack of).
I've particularly enjoyed ride even though many of us wanted off the train.
I've learned a lot about making scanlations with the help and suggestions from you guys, the readers.
I'd also like to thank Sands for this help with the translation.
Though he didn't have to, he's really helped me in the background and
helped make the ENG release a high quality one.
I don't plan on quitting what I do just yet.
I do want to finish up on "Ayamachi, Hajimemashite" and I'll see what the future brings.
I'll have to study up and focus on my Japanese self studies in my endeavor to become fluent.
I once I'm good enough when I only have to refer to my dictionaries/resources like, I dunno,
fives or less, then maybe then I'll start doing commissions on my own.
Now... since I probably won't have access to a scanner.
I'll have to "scan" this chapter with my camera.
It's a decent one, a Sony NEX-5T. I can make it look pretty good I think.
I'll have to use that for the release unless someone donates a HQ scan of it.
I know this sounds bootleg, but that's the only option we here have.
K-Slice would have to scan it once he goes back to the states.
He's gonna need some rest but maybe he could do the scanning on the 4th weekend of July.
K-Slice would have to scan it once he goes back to the states.
He's gonna need some rest but maybe he could do the scanning on the 4th weekend of July.