***UPDATE 10/11/2015***
Sands got back with me and I want to verify something with him about a scene
that goes into two pages. I perceived it differently I want to make sure
I'm not getting lead off track because I'm overthinking it.
Hopefully I'll hear back from him tonight and
me and K-Slice will prep the release as mush as possible to be ready.
Here's a preview of Chapter 23!
Looks like another year went by... does Haruka have a child yet?
Looks like Gotou-san may not be a repeat encounter... yet.
Who are these people? Random encounters or form Shuu's work?
We'll find out in Feburary's issue that comes out in December.
Also, there will be another hiatus for the March issue.
***UPDATE 10/10/2015***
Almost there!
So the release rough draft is completely typeset.
I can't believe I forgot to script the final page's SFX though they were cake
so I just translated them on the fly. Once I hear back from Sands I'll
promptly finalize the translation and revise what needs
to be from what's already typeset.
Then me and K-Slice will review it for errors and
then disseminate it for all to enjoy.
***UPDATE 12/09/2015***
Hey guys!
So here's what's happening:
Sands-senpai got in touch with me but only reported back that
only half of the translation was checked over.
No real ETA when the latter half will be reviewed however
I will keep you guys posted. I have been typesetting
the chapter with what should be from the finalized translation.
75% of it is complete however that does include pages that
Sands hasn't gone over yet. I like to think that there won't be a lot
of revising to do so, in the end, I hope it'll speed up with swapping out
what needs to be revised. I'm not that quick at typesetting however
I'm trying to make time for it as much as I can.
We here want to have a HQ release for y'all to read and enjoy
so we hope you guys can understand. Again, no real ETA and it's gonna be
a busy Wednesday & Thursday night after work so we might be looking at
a weekend release. I know that's rather late from my Monday estimation but that
estimation was based on bad timing, so my apologizes.
We thank you for being patient.
I'll make an announcement on /h/ when it's just about
ready to be disseminated. I know you guys are really looking
forward to it as much as we are to release it.
(Oh, the re-scanning paid off. Looks more clearer than before however,
there's some slight bleeding... for chapter 23 we hope to further minimize that.)
Additionally, I'll pick up on Ayamachi chapter 2 soon afterwards.
***UPDATE 12/05/2015***
The translation rough draft is fully complete.
I will be going over it a bit and will eventually send it off to Sands to go over.
On a few SFX I made an educated best guess from the SFX notes I use.
The way I want to handle SFX for our releases is as follows:
I'll only notate the first appearance (from the JPN reading order)
of the SFX per page.
For Example: びく "biku" can mean: flinch, shudder, jolt, shock, tremble, shiver, and so on.
So I won't notate each and every one it appears.
Also if a SFX first appears as Hirgana or Katakana,
I won't notate what is it again if it comes back up as the other one.
For Example: if "ぶる" ("buru" can mean: shudder, shake, quiver)
pops up before "ブル" (buru again) I won't notate the katakana one.
I don't want to seem lazy but sometimes there are quite a bit of them to handle.
Also, I will exclude most of the variations of the same SFX because
the variations are subtle.
For example: ぬりゅ (nuryu: wet, slippery) & ぬりゅん (nuryun: wet, slippery).
Finally, unless it hasn't appeared yet,
I will also exclude variations that end with "っ" & "ッ"
("tsu" but in half-width katakana)
and "ん" & "ン" (n) because most of the time they help emphasize the SFX.
So again, I'll only notate a SFX on it's first appearance per page and exclude
latter variations from the same page.
Now might have to re-scan some or all pages again.
Along of the edges of some pages, it gets a little blurry.
I believe that's because of the pages do not lay completely flat
on the glass of the scanner. The back side to the lid is not pushing
down on the pages completely and evenly.
I'll have to go over to K-Slice's hood to do that tomorrow morning
if I decide to do rescan it. I really want to step-up the quality of the release.
Realistically, I think I can get the ENG out no later than Monday evening.
If all works out well, I'll try for Sunday evening.
I'll keep ya guys posted when the ENG release will be up.
Back to work for me now.

Howdy guys!
(I know I mentioned I wasn't going to do an update about the progress but,
seems like the readers were getting a little anxious so.. here's a one to tie those over.)
So here’s the update on Netoraserare Chapter 22: The Assumption Gift
The Namaki January 2016 Issue made it in yesterday but it was stuck at the post office.
I left work early today to pick it up before the post office closed in my area.
I will start working on scripting the chapter however most of the scripting will be done on
Friday night (12/04/2015) after I do the scanning at K-Slice’s.
I will continue to work on it, including starting the translation rough draft,
however Friday night I can’t work late on it because, more than likely,
I’ll be working Saturday morning; and if that’s so I won’t be able to touch it again
until around noontime Saturday. Sunday I will start working on it in the morning
until the translation rough draft is complete.
I’ll send it off to my partner-in-crime for the translation assistance.
Then I'll do the normal prepping of the pages as I wait for him to get back to me.
For now, here’s the only spoiler page we’ll post (page 01):
With that, I'd like to request that we don't get distracted by
impatient ones asking for more or for the raws.
Let us focus on releasing a HQ ENG of it.
We haven't you guys, the readers, down and we don't plan on to.
We'll deliver as usual.
Now let’s talk about Ayamachi, Hajimemashite:
You might have read this in the forums. Icebarrier18 of Seinen Scanlation Project
made an appearance in the current thread that’s anticipating Neto chapter 22.
After he posted how he doesn’t like to typeset, I asked him (in JPN) if he
would want a hand with it which leads into what I have to stay.
Starting with chapter 2 of Ayamachi, Hajimemashite:
Rabbit Scanlations will be working together with Seinen Scanlation Project
in releasing an ENG release of it.
I imagine this will help get this h-manga released in ENG faster than my projections.
After chapter 22 of Neto gets released, I will start going over the script for
Ayamachi chapter 2 to check it and work on the typsetting.
Icebarrier18 will be the original translator (though I'd like to exhange
feedback and assist with it)
and will also be doing the redraw/touch-up, as well as some color pages.
I will iron out the release format details with him and later update this post about it.
Okay guys, that is all.