Sunday, December 20, 2015


Greetings and Salutations guys.

Here’s a little update on the joint Ayamachi, Hajimemashite English translation venture between Seinen Scanlation Project and Rabbit Scanlations.

The translation rough draft and script is complete.  I will try to get this typeset as soon as I can.
As an omake, Icebarrier18 will contribute colorized pages done by himself in this and our releases to come.  They will be placed at the back for anyone who wants them.  This way, those who want to enjoy a regular release and something different can have that option.

I also reached out to Shakuganexa from Shakuganexa's Translations to check on his 4K scan project for Ayamachi and asked him if we can get the hook-up on that.  He informed me that project won't be underway until around the end of January.  Not to delay the ENG release of this, we here will move forward with the raws we have available.

As mentioned before, the Holiday season will be busy for everyone so we hope you can understand any delays.
 (Honestly, a lot stuff going on but I won't bore y'all with the details.)
Seinen Scanlation Project:
Original Translation, Clean-up/Touch-up, Re-draw, Colorization:

Rabbit Scanlations:
Translation Assistance & Typesetting:
Dutch Rabbit

Proofreading & Assistance:

Also, as for Netorasrare Chapter 23 The Revolving Door (just a joke) I will place an order for the February 2016 Issue of Namaiki in the next 24hrs.  I also scored a new scanner so that'll help out.  Though I've seen rumors that Namaiki will go digital, not sure what'll that'll mean for the physical release.  If I can order the digital version myself, that'll be sweet because that'll cut down the time it takes to pump out the ENG version significantly.

Oh, and for the one poster in the threads who was wondering what I eat:
The other day for lunch I had Thai Red Curry Chicken with Bamboo Shoots served on top of steam white rice with those egg rolls (‘cause that’s how I roll).  Though I’m not a fan of coconuts, yet alone the milk from them, the coconut milk used for the curry base wasn’t bad at all.

Saturday, December 12, 2015


Okay guys, the wait is over!

Here's the direct link:

You can also grab it here:

You can always find our releases on our DOWNLOADS page.

Take your time reading and enjoy!

(FYI, decided to lose "the" for the chapter name.)

Realized that I mistaken "zoutei" as "soutei" so the title is "The Gift".
This correction has been fixed in our downloads area and on e-hentai.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


***UPDATE 10/11/2015***

Sands got back with me and I want to verify something with him about a scene
that goes into two pages.  I perceived it differently I want to make sure
I'm not getting lead off track because I'm overthinking it.
Hopefully I'll hear back from him tonight and
me and K-Slice will prep the release as mush as possible to be ready.

Here's a preview of Chapter 23!

Looks like another year went by... does Haruka have a child yet?
Looks like Gotou-san may not be a repeat encounter... yet.
Who are these people?  Random encounters or form Shuu's work?
We'll find out in Feburary's issue that comes out in December.
Also, there will be another hiatus for the March issue.

***UPDATE 10/10/2015***

Almost there!
So the release rough draft is completely typeset.
I can't believe I forgot to script the final page's SFX though they were cake
so I just translated them on the fly. Once I hear back from Sands I'll
promptly finalize the translation and revise what needs
to be from what's already typeset.
Then me and K-Slice will review it for errors and
then disseminate it for all to enjoy.

***UPDATE 12/09/2015***

Hey guys!

So here's what's happening:
Sands-senpai got in touch with me but only reported back that
only half of the translation was checked over.
No real ETA when the latter half will be reviewed however
I will keep you guys posted.  I have been typesetting
the chapter with what should be from the finalized translation.
75% of it is complete however that does include pages that
Sands hasn't gone over yet.  I like to think that there won't be a lot
of revising to do so, in the end, I hope it'll speed up with swapping out
what needs to be revised.  I'm not that quick at typesetting however
I'm trying to make time for it as much as I can.
We here want to have a HQ release for y'all to read and enjoy
so we hope you guys can understand.  Again, no real ETA and it's gonna be 
a busy Wednesday & Thursday night after work so we might be looking at
a weekend release.  I know that's rather late from my Monday estimation but that
estimation was based on bad timing, so my apologizes.

We thank you for being patient.
I'll make an announcement on /h/ when it's just about
ready to be disseminated.  I know you guys are really looking
forward to it as much as we are to release it.

(Oh, the re-scanning paid off.  Looks more clearer than before however,
there's some slight bleeding... for chapter 23 we hope to further minimize that.)

Additionally, I'll pick up on Ayamachi chapter 2 soon afterwards.

***UPDATE 12/05/2015***

The translation rough draft is fully complete.
I will be going over it a bit and will eventually send it off to Sands to go over.
On a few SFX I made an educated best guess from the SFX notes I use.
The way I want to handle SFX for our releases is as follows:
I'll only notate the first appearance (from the JPN reading order)
 of the SFX per page.

For Example: びく "biku" can mean: flinch, shudder, jolt, shock, tremble, shiver, and so on.
So I won't notate each and every one it appears.

Also if a SFX first appears as Hirgana or Katakana,
I won't notate what is it again if it comes back up as the other one.

For Example: if "ぶる" ("buru" can mean: shudder, shake, quiver)
pops up before "ブル" (buru again) I won't notate the katakana one.
I don't want to seem lazy but sometimes there are quite a bit of them to handle.

Also, I will exclude most of the variations of the same SFX because
the variations are subtle.

For example: ぬりゅ (nuryu: wet, slippery) & ぬりゅん (nuryun: wet, slippery).

Finally, unless it hasn't appeared yet,
I will also exclude variations that end with "っ" & "ッ"
("tsu" but in half-width katakana)
and "ん" & "ン" (n) because most of the time they help emphasize the SFX.

So again, I'll only notate a SFX on it's first appearance per page and exclude
latter variations from the same page.

Now might have to re-scan some or all pages again.
Along of the edges of some pages, it gets a little blurry.
I believe that's because of the pages do not lay completely flat
on the glass of the scanner.  The back side to the lid is not pushing
down on the pages completely and evenly.
I'll have to go over to K-Slice's hood to do that tomorrow morning
if I decide to do rescan it.  I really want to step-up the quality of the release.

Realistically, I think I can get the ENG out no later than Monday evening.
If all works out well, I'll try for Sunday evening.

I'll keep ya guys posted when the ENG release will be up.

Back to work for me now.


Howdy guys!

(I know I mentioned I wasn't going to do an update about the progress but,
seems like the readers were getting a little anxious so.. here's a one to tie those over.)

So here’s the update on Netoraserare Chapter 22: The Assumption Gift

The Namaki January 2016 Issue made it in yesterday but it was stuck at the post office.
I left work early today to pick it up before the post office closed in my area.
I will start working on scripting the chapter however most of the scripting will be done on
Friday night (12/04/2015) after I do the scanning at K-Slice’s.
I will continue to work on it, including starting the translation rough draft,
however Friday night I can’t work late on it because, more than likely,
I’ll be working Saturday morning; and if that’s so I won’t be able to touch it again
until around noontime Saturday.  Sunday I will start working on it in the morning
until the translation rough draft is complete. 
I’ll send it off to my partner-in-crime for the translation assistance.
Then I'll do the normal prepping of the pages as I wait for him to get back to me.

For now, here’s the only spoiler page we’ll post (page 01):

With that, I'd like to request that we don't get distracted by
impatient ones asking for more or for the raws.
Let us focus on releasing a HQ ENG of it.
We haven't you guys, the readers, down and we don't plan on to.
We'll deliver as usual.

Now let’s talk about Ayamachi, Hajimemashite:

You might have read this in the forums.  Icebarrier18 of Seinen Scanlation Project
made an appearance in the current thread that’s anticipating Neto chapter 22.
After he posted how he doesn’t like to typeset, I asked him (in JPN) if he
would want a hand with it which leads into what I have to stay.
Starting with chapter 2 of Ayamachi, Hajimemashite:
 Rabbit Scanlations will be working together with Seinen Scanlation Project
in releasing an ENG release of it. 

I imagine this will help get this h-manga released in ENG faster than my projections.
After chapter 22 of Neto gets released, I will start going over the script for
Ayamachi chapter 2 to check it and work on the typsetting.
Icebarrier18 will be the original translator (though I'd like to exhange
feedback and assist with it)
and will also be doing the redraw/touch-up, as well as some color pages.

I will iron out the release format details with him and later update this post about it.

Okay guys, that is all.

Monday, November 30, 2015


Okay guys, here it is!
The first chapter of Ayamachi, Hajimemashite.

Here's the direct link:

You can also grab it here:

Thursday, November 26, 2015


***UPDATE 11/29/2015***
If my plans don't pan out then we might be seeing an
ENG release late Sunday evening (Central).

Looks like this will most likely be ready Monday evening.
Typesetting is talking longer than I'd have liked it to.
Fine-tuning each page as I go is time consuming but
it's also works out well because I'm
catching translation issues that I fix on the fly.
If funny because it just shows how I over think things most of the time.

Here's a sample (tentative):

and one more sample page:
(Yeah, it's just the cover page but don't want to spoil y'all too much. [wink] )

***UPDATE 11/28/2015***
Though this has had it's challenges and I haven't entirely focused on it,
the translation rough draft is 58% done (14 or 24 pages).

The translation rough draft is complete.
On that note, I'm always looking for better fonts;
especially for softly spoken dialogue and moaning.
If anyone has a good suggestion please leave it in the comments.

For the time being, I will clean up/blank out the JPN text
in the dialogue bubbles to get it ready to typesetting.
(10 pages are already prepped.)

I might have it out by late Sunday night (central).

I HIGHLY recommend this place for fonts:


"Happy Turkey Day!"

Hope you guys are getting stuffed and in the good way.

I realized I don't read enough JPN text regularly; yet alone translate a whole bunch of it.
As a novice translator I realize the need to do more of it and do it more regularly.

For the time being, Netoraserare has priority but starting this month
we, Rabbit Scanlations, will start working on an ENG release of: "Ayamachi, Hajimemashite".

I don't have a schedule of when it'll be released it'll be released one chapter at a time.
Most likely this will be a slow release but personally I always finish what I start.
I know there was a working translation of this and
was abandoned and I don't want to make any promises I can't keep but
I want to try and see this to the end.
This is 19 chapters long, and if by some miracle we get out a chapter a week,
it'll take around five months for this to be completed.
(Just around the time I'll be in Japan.)

I have a tentative translation of the name "Nice to meet you, Faux Pas.".
 I feel that Faux Pas seems to be an appropriate translation of "ayamachi" (過ち)for this title.
I know that h-manga names can get crazy and don't make a lot of sense when translated but
I want to give it a try for anything we end up doing instead of leaving it in romaji.

Why I wanted to try was because of this cover:
"Watashi wa hoka no otoko to, SEX shite, SEX shite, SEX wo shita. ~Itsunomanika kanojo wa~"

Trying to keep the verb tenses the same,
I'd translated as: "I have sex, sex, and had sex with another man. ~Before she realized it~

Anyways, please look forward to Chapter 1: Observe.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Borrowing a Wacom to practice drawing and coloring.
Yeah, I suck but that's the point of practicing.
I gotta get that steady hand; not used to the plastic on plastic feel of this but I gotta learn.

Hope you guys enjoy !

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Okay guys, here it is!

Here's the direct link:

You can also grab it here:

You can always find our releases on our DOWNLOADS page.

Take your time reading and enjoy!

NOTE: I have the SFXs noted once as they show up per page.
Other variations of the ones already translated I didn't notate.
A handful we made an educated/best guess.

***Grammar and other fixes have already been applied to both links.***

Here's a full res scan of the December issue and variant artwork.

(Yeah, the color temperatures are off on the printed media.
I also learned the chapter wasn't printed exactly straight.
It's slightly skewed when compared to the samples Konomi released.
Yeah, I measured the distances on paper.
To get a bigger view, once the image loads, right click and select open image
or open image in a new tab.)

Monday, November 2, 2015


*** UPDATE 11/08/2015 ***

Hey there guys!
The typesetting is coming along.
It's taking a little longer than I'd would have wished.
I might be done by noon (my time) but I'd need this to be
proofread so that will push it back a bit.
I'll send it off to K-Slice while I head to his hood.
Then we'll both go over it with his feedback.
I'll apply any changes, upload it, then post it.
It will cum out today so no worries.
Maybe 2pm at the latest.
Back to work, later.

*** UPDATE 11/07/2015 ***

Hey guys!
Unless something pops up,
the full ENG release will be done
and released Sunday around high noon.
Please look forward to it.

*** UPDATE 11/06/2015 ***

Okay guys, the as mentioned in the thread,
the translation rough draft is done and sent to Sands.

I've already re-scan the whole chapter and it's looking a whole
lot better than how I originally scanned it.
Just a few minor adjustments in PS and BAM!

What do you guys think?

Also, Sands got in touch with me.
There's a few things to iron out but looks like it's pretty good.
I will finalize the translation soon.
However I do have an engagement I can't miss tomorrow so...
I'm done for now.  I think I'll be back mid-afternoon Saturday.
I'm gonna shoot for a late Saturday night or Sunday morning
full ENG release.  We here appreciate the encouragement
and we want to do a good job.  We do it for you guys.


*** UPDATE 11/04/2015 ***

So both scanners I tried today, a HP F4400 & Brother DCP-L2540DW, were a bust.
They did a way worse job.  I will have to use this Canon MP210 again and adjust
the levels better before scanning. 
At least the Cannon lets me have more freedom with adjusting/fine tuning.
I think I can get satisfactory results this time around.

The script is 100% done and I'm gonna translate a few pages before bed and
I will continue to during my lunch break tomorrow.

Also, what the hell? "Fried gristle"? 
I've never heard of it.
One of the customers at the bar ordered it
and I had no idea what the hell it was. 
I had to look it up.
I guess it goes well with beer but I wouldn't know.

Kanji: 軟骨の唐揚 | Romanji: nankotsu no kara-age

Fried gristle is a dish prepared using the same methods as
karaage or tatsutaage, but using chicken wings or the gristle from legs as the main ingredient.

Also once this chapter is done, I'll post the omake stuff from the tankoubans.
I don't have a spare copy of volumes 1 & 2 so I'm not going to unbind and bend
the everlasting hell out of 'em so the edges might get a little blurry when scanned.
I'm thinking of picking up a spares (they are about $5.00 USD each.)
and using that instead. What blows is the fact that the tankoubans are
a lot smaller, page wise, than the monthly release in Namaiki.

Wished I was further into the ENG release but  "Infinite Stratos" (season one)
was distracting me (Charles' so cute!). 

*** UPDATE 11/03/2015 ***

Over lunch just now I scripted 40% already (plus an initial translation in my head).  I think I can have 60% - 80% scripted today before I start typing up the translation.  This chapter is only 20 pages.  Most of the dialogue is the flashback of Haruka's dolls taking (already scripted) and the bar scene with his superior (?) Gotou.


Hey guys,
Just wanted to let you know I was successful on pickin' up the goods.

Namaiki has already been carefully unbind and I'm getting ready start scanning.
Will script/translate a bit tonight but I won't have a lot of time for it.

Here's a few samples for y'all ^_-


We're usin' an old scanner here so it's not looking that great but we'll mess with the settings.

I will continue to adjust the scans until my laptop battery dies tonight.

Saturday, October 24, 2015


Hey guys, here's a tentative translation based on the preview posted on Konomi's blog.

I was quite surprise when I got home I see this steamy page of
Haruka and Shuujirou passionately making out. 

I wouldn't be surprised that they have some form of "make up sex" in this chapter.

Shuu... seems to be really into it; he doesn't seem to be all mechanical about it.
Haruka's wedding ring is back on so... I guess all is well?

Can't be... we'll just have to wait and see.

What do you guys think is gonna happen?

***UPDATE 11/01/2015***

Won't have it picked up until Monday before the post office closes.

***UPDATE 10/30/2015***

("Do-" can also mean laughter.  I have no idea of the context of the panel but, if the summaries online are true that Shuu is trying to deflect accusations about his wife as a joke then it's his colleagues laughing )

Took a break from the convention and saw that a new panel was posted.
Quickly translated it and now I'm heading back to the convention.
Order has made it to the states here and most likely be delivered tomorrow.

SHIPPING UPDATE: Damn courier didn't leave it on my doorstep and now it needs to be picked up at the post office. I'm seeing if I can send somebody over there to see if they can pick it up for me.  If not, hopefully I can leave work early Monday to pick it up before the post office closes.

***UPDATE 10/28/2015***

It's been shipped.

Trackin' # issued (left out here of course).

So... it'll come in while I'm gone (yeah I got someone to nab it while I'm gone).

If anyone gets new previews or pages from the chapter, feel free to e-mail them to me.
Could help give me a jump start translating.

I did take a peek of supposed summaries... I dunno what to think...
certainly it'll build up to something.
I do feel this can't end well but how I have no idea.
If the third volume of this is suppose to run 7 chapters then by my numbers
this should end at chapter 25; so 4 more left.

Friday, October 23, 2015


This release is far over due but, nonetheless, here it is guys.

You can grab Chapter 20 HERE.

And here:

You can always nab our releases under the DOWNLOADS page.

Thanks for reading~!

(The clean-up isn't as good as the other potential release that
never got released but it'll have to do.  We'll try harder next time.)

Monday, October 19, 2015

NAMAIKI December Issue

Greetings and Salutations,

Out of curiosity I checked to see when the December issue of Namaiki~ will be released
and to my surprise it'll be one week from now. 
K-Slice and myself just put in our orders after work just now. 
Personally I'm lookin' forward to see what chapter 21 could be about
and I'm sure all of the readers out there want to too.

However that might have to wait because when our orders make it to
our side of the world it's highly likely I won't be in town. 
I'm attending an anime convention the last weekend of October. 
IF I get the order in before I head out the day before the convention,
I'll read it and take quick snap shots of the chapter so
I can get started on the translation rough draft.

I'm not driving and it's over 100 miles to the island
that this anime convention will be hosted. 
During the car ride I'll script the chapter and for the rest of the night
I'll be translating it while I'm chilling.

Nonetheless I will work on it as much as I can Nov. 1st (Sunday). 
Again, this all depends IF I get it BEFORE I head out. 
If not then I won't be able to work on it until I return back later that Sunday.

I dunno about you guys out there but for me going to conventions
like this is a bit of a vacation of sorts. 
With that in mind I'll be in "pleasure before business"
so my focus will be having fun.  It'll probably be the last one I attend
for a while because the next big one I normally attend won't be until
the time I should be in Japan hitting the pavement so...
I'm looking forward to this one.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Alright guys, here's the HQ ENG layers.
All you have to do is use something like Photoshop or Gimp and load
which ever page and copy/paste/load our ENG layer over it as a top layer. 

You'll have to adjust it by moving it left or right a bit but it should match-up fairly well.
Gimp, for some reason, only saves in its' proprietary format, ".xcf" unless you export it.

So I recommend Irfanview to convert this, and .PSD (PHOTOSHOP),
to whatever image format you want. Check out the Batch mode feature. 

This should go without saying but these should be for personal use only. 
If you post a married version based on our ENG layers
then you're on your own if any vengeance falls upon you; but not by us.

You can nab the layers HERE.
It's about 2MB zipped and 209MB unzipped, enjoy!

Oh yeah...

Nice to see the Korean team using our release for theirs but I guess it can't be helped...

I'm working on a solution for a full HQ ENG release.
We might not see this until next week if time permits.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Big One...

Greetings and Salutations everyone!

Dutch Rabbit here and I have a few annoucements.

First of all everyone here at Rabbit Scanlations would like to thank the community
for their interest in Netoraserare. Without y’all we wouldn’t even be doing this.


I also would like to thank “Nobody Noes” who slaved away on their own to provide us
a copy of Chapter 20 ready for typesetting. You really helped us all out. (Bows)

If you enjoy this and other Konomi Shikishiro work,

Now for the Big Announcement:

We here, as much the readers out there, hate the delay and uncertainty
of when source material becomes available to read; yet alone produce an ENG version.
We rely on you, the community, and kind and brave Anon-sans’ donations
to help the ENG version see the light of day.
As grateful as we are for everyone’s help in this endeavor,
we understand that kind of help can be a burden and come with great cost.

With that in mind, I want to put the “scan” in Scanalation. 
From now I Dutch Rabbit, on behave of Rabbit Scanlations,
will take on the role of providing the actual source
material for the remaining chapters to come.

I’ve already have a vendor in mind that I can place orders through with any hiccups.
From the time Namaiki! hits shelves in Japan, I believe it’ll be delivered
on my side of the world in 2-days. If I was able to get my
through them without a problem, I don’t see why Netoraserare would be.

Placing an order just for Namaiki!, including shipping,
would run me around $20 USD ($5 Namaiki!, $15 shipping).
To help offset the steep shipping cost, K-Slice and myself,
will be ordering other h-manga we want to add into our collections.
I’ll cover the cost for adding Namaiki! and split the shipping cost
evenly with him when it comes to the combined shipping.

(However with the rumor of Namaiki! going digital distribution...
I dunno how this is gonna work.)

I had an all-in-one printer station deal but that’s been broken and long gone. 
I’ve been in need of replacing it so I’m using this as an incentive to do so.

With that in mind, I like to ask you guys for some recommendations
for all-in-one printers/scanners that can scan manga really well.
Keep in mind that I don’t wanna break the bank;
I think I can budget $160 tops for one.
(it’s gonna be a tight month for me.)

Doesn’t need to have all the bells in whistles but one that’s a
pretty well balanced office type would do
 Key features I’m interested is wireless/network capabilities and USB access.
I’ll hit up retailers this week to do research on them myself.

A personal announcement:
It’s kinda a good thing for me that we won’t see the next chapter in the next Namaiki! issue. 
I have a month’s time to cram as much IT knowledge as I can for a potential job interview. 
So basically I’ll be pullin’ a Kintarou Oe like in the first episode of Golden Boy; wish me luck.

Also another scanlator reached out to me for some assistance. 
It’s a bit of a favor too but I do want to help out this perso
and share my know-how with them in any downtime I have.
So it’s gonna be a busy 4 weeks for me…

Good thing a con is coming up for me to relax and unwind. ^_^

Lastly (though not set in concrete) I'm playing with the idea of providing our:
raws, scripts, and blanked out (text bubbles blanked) chapters to come
to help disseminate and expedite other language translations.
They would be released a day or two after the ENG release. 
All I ask is that give credit where credit's due
and credit "Rabbit Scanlations" for anything you use from us.

That also reminds me. 
For those how have D/L'ed a HQ version of Chapter 20,
I'll release our ENG translations layers for it soon. 
They will be in .PNG format with transparcies. 
These layers will also have a slight update; Sands got back with us. 
This update doesn't effect anything major.
Just grammar updates and slight rephrasing. 

All you have to do is use something like Photoshop or Gimp and load
which ever page and copy/paste/load our ENG layer over it as a top layer. 

You'll have to adjust it by moving it left or right a bit but it should match-up fairly well.
Gimp, for some reason, only saves in its' proprietary format, ".xcf".

So I recommend Irfanview to convert this, and .PSD (PHOTOSHOP),
to whatever image format you want. Check out the Batch mode feature. 

This should go without saying but these should be for personal use only. 
If you post a married version based on our ENG layers
then you're on your own if any vengeance falls upon you; but not by us.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Here it is guys, please take your time reading and enjoy.

As mentioned before:
To help stop the spread of a potentially "bad" release we will only
post it on our blog.  So I ask not to post this elsewhere but
linking to us is okay.

When time permits for us to release the HQ version, that'll be
the final version that'll be posted on here again and elsewhere online.
If someone can a donate a HQ version of Chapter 20, we can have
that out as quickly as we can.

You can grab Chapter 20 HERE.

You can always nab our releases under the DOWNLOADS page.

It seems are wishes for this not to be uploaded elsewhere went unheard... aye...
We weren't asking for much but what's done is done I suppose.
It was in hopes as a form of damage control which I'll explain but
that'll have to wait until until I confirm something.

20 is almost upon us...

Okay guys,
A kind Anon-san reached out to us and
sent us their scan of chapter 20.  In all honesty... it's a
pretty brutal LQ scan of it.  They have a scanner from the 2000's
but it looks like a scan from the 90's.  However it'll have to do.
To help expedite this release, they blanked the text out for us.
(How kind of them!)

But this is still gonna be hard to work with.  I'll do some additional
touch-up as best as I can.  I haven't heard back from Sands yet
to finalize the ENG version.  However, as it stays, myself and K-Slice
are satisfied with the translation.  So, if I don't hear back from him,
we'll release what we're going to consider as a "LQ Beta release".
To help stop the spread of a potentially "bad" release we will only
post it on our blog.  So I ask not to post this elsewhere but
linking to us is okay.

When time permits for us to release the HQ version, that'll be
the final version that'll be posted on here again and elsewhere online.

As it stands, half the chapter is ready to go, we can't work non-stop
today but we would like to have this out late Sunday.

Monday, September 21, 2015


Okay guys, here’s the deal:

My source wants to be kept off the radar even after
the Namaiki! October issue is publically available.
What this means is they don’t want their source used for the actual ENG release.
There’s already been notifications to those who
D/L’ed the Namaiki! October issue to NOT post their copies online.

So either we wait for the Namaiki! October issue to be publically available
and I can use that for the release OR another sweet Anon-san
can get in touch me to rectify this dilemma.

Here’s my plan:

I can ready my ENG text layers in Photoshop for the whole chapter so that
all I have to do is swap out the pages with the other set.
Then apply my clean up again; which shouldn’t take long this second time around.

If push comes to shove, I could do all this the day of when
the Namaiki! October issue is publically available.
I’ll just need to be informed when that happens.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

***Chapter 20 UPDATE 03***

Okay guys, ALL pages are prepped!

Starting today (Sunday) I'll typeset any pages that are ready to go
from the script to start a rough draft.  All other pages will need to
wait until after the final translation check. 
(No rush on Sands so that'll come as it can.)

(Now we have to play the waiting game...)

***Chapter 20 UPDATE 02***

I'm at 68% done with blanking out the JPN text and clean up.
Sands has already given me feedback on the first eight pages.
I'm gonna turn in for the night (1:50 AM for me here).
I'll definitely finish up Sunday however the dilemma with
the nature of this release is still on going.
As it stands, I'll have to wait until the current issue of Namaki!
is available to the general public.

I am aware that the "Thai Team", which I have no affiliation with, 
has posted a preview of their work-in-progress.
So we might see a full Thai release soon.

Though in my opinion I think it might be best to wait for the ENG release.

So guys, what is your anticipation with this chapter?